Sunday, July 10, 2005

Rudy's Fall

Last night while I was at work, a strange thing happened. Rudy was laying on the couch next to my husband when suddenly he fell onto the floor. When my husband reached down to pick him up, he yelped! His eyes were open but he was unresponsive for a few moments. Then he got up and was normal again. Perhaps it was the shock of the fall? He is perfectly fine now.

Today we are going to my parents house and maybe Rudy will swim. It will be interesting how he plays with their beagle. Rudy can play a little too rough, and I don't want my parents commenting that he is a pit bull. But I have a feeling they will think that's what he is when I bring him over.

Rudy is trained to sit and give the paw. Next lesson is the down position. I really believe he will be a natural on the stay command but I'll wait until he is much older to begin training that command.

I also want to note that before the fall last night, Rudy went upstairs into my dark office and fell asleep under my desk. I wouldn't have thought he would go into my office without me but he does spend a great deal of time at my feet under my desk. Perhaps he was missing me? He seems to enjoy being under there with the fan's slight breeze on him.

One more thing, it has been discovered by my husband what Rudy has been doing in his water pail. He puts his paws into it and digs at the bottom of the pail, splashing water all over the floor while he does it. I think it's adorable but my husband doesn't like the mess he makes one bit. When he yelled at Rudy, Rudy took off for the yard and didn't come in for some time. Poor thing. I really need to get him a small childrens pool for the yard since he likes water so much. He doesn't like baths, but today he will be getting one for sure, he smells like earth!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, your puppy looks really cute... what breed is he? Just thought I'd mention, that it sounds like maybe your dog had a seizure when he fell off the couch. My dog used to have canine epilepsy and he would have seizures every now and then. They were very similar to what you described - he would kind of tense up and usually fall over, and be non-responsive for a few moments. I would get your vet to check him out, just to be on the safe side. How old is the little guy?

July 10, 2005 11:30 AM  
Blogger Rudy Roo said...

He is an Americn Bulldog. Yes, I thought about the possibility of it being a seizure. I sure hope it's not. Because he was sleeping when it happened, I'm not too concerned. I will watch him carefully and if it happens again, straight to the vet he will go for bloodwork.

Thank you so much for your comment!

July 10, 2005 1:49 PM  

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