Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Spider Bite II

Rudy was bitten on the inner right hock by a wolf spider last night. The suspect was found dead next to Rudy's bed moments after the injury was reported. His leg swelled twice it's size and became hot to touch. I put a cold compress on it and held him for hours. This morning, the wound started to drain puss and blood and remained swollen. The vet has him on Rimadyl for the swelling and Cephalexin for the infection. The swelling is not a normal side effect of a spider bite. It appears as though Roo had an allergic reaction.

He was bitten by a spider when he was just a pup too. He has a nickel sized bald spots his upper left thigh as a result. I thought it was just a fluke.

Some serious extermination is going down this weekend.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Lipiderm was recommended by someone from my American Bulldog yahoo group. I've used it for a month now with spectacular results. Roo's coat feels like soft silk and he sheds about 90% less. It costs me $20.00 for 120 caps of large breed lipiderm which will last about a month because you give 4 caps per day. It's well worth the money.
Here's some pics of Roo I took about a month ago.