Monday, August 28, 2006

Leg Update

Rudy is recovering..slowly. He will put weight on his leg but not much. I'm still penning him.
I miss having him at 100%.
He is such a good boy. He never complains.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


2 weeks ago, Rudy hurt his rear left leg while playing in the sprinklers. No one saw the injury happen, but when he came inside he would not put any weight on it. I've been penning him in the house ever since. Ever since he slightly injured it months ago, he has been a little tender on it but nothing like this.

Yesterday he was let out into the backyard to do his business and encountered a few ants. The bites caused him to have a severe allergic reaction. He broke out in hives all over his body.

I took him to Creekside Animal Clinic about 8 hours later. The hives had not gotten any better. I wasn't so concerned with the allergic reaction as I was with his lameness. After 2 weeks, he will put his leg down but will not put weight on it. I was hoping it was just a sprain and it would have healed by now.

I asked for an x-ray of the hips and left leg. The x-rays were normal, although the films did not come out perfect because Rudy was not sedated. The vet said because Rudy was such a muscular dog, she would need to sedate him to be able to move his leg properly to diagnose a torn cruciate and get better films. She ordered another set of x-rays but wanted to hold until I gave permission to sedate. I asked for the blood test to determine if Rudy would have an allergic reaction to the anesthesia because he has never been under and I wasn't sure that his allergies were limited to insect bites. The vet explained they only give a liver function test prior (also called a CBC) and that there is no test to determine if a dog will have an adverse reaction to sedation. I was sure she was mistaken and would not allow Rudy to be sedated. I was not going to risk his life for a diagnosis that I was pretty sure I already had. I mean, if his joints and bones looked good, what else could it be? They took another set of x-rays (without sedation) just to be sure that everything looked good. He got a 2 weeks supply of Rimadyl (pain reliever) and the vet said I could give 1mg of Benedryl per every lb to relieve the allergic reaction to the bites. That came out to 4 pills because he weighs 101 lbs and they are 25 mg each pill.

His ears are also red and inflamed. I just cleaned them before the visit and used an earmite solution, which is what I thought was causing it but the vet said it was probably a yeast infection. I plan to get something to remedy that this weekend.

Rudy is really a mess. I feel so bad for him. Obviously, I will get him the surgery but only after I do my homework because there are several different types of surgeries that range in price and effectiveness. Most importantly, I want to make sure that whomever does it has experience and can assure me Rudy will not take a dirt nap because of the anesthesia. He is my baby and I can't risk it.

Needless to say, my plans of working Rudy in weight pull or any other physical demanding sport are over. I have been thinking about getting him certified in AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and then certifying him in as a therapy dog. He was such a good boy at the vets. He was extremely calm and gentle. I didn't even need the leash throughout the visit. He needs to work on his confidence a tiny bit, but that can come by exposing him to more situations. I had plans of starting the first obedience course this month but then the injury. It will have to wait for now.

Something else I am concerned about.. The vet said if one ligament is torn, the other usually follows. This is not only due to the stress on the opposing ligament but because both ligaments are usually weaker, genetically speaking. I just can't imagine how Rudy would get along with both legs affected. I would need a wheelchair! My poor baby!

All I can do is give lots and lots of love. I don't have any children so the cost of surgery is not of much consequence. What I want is for Rudy to be able to live a full and active life. I am confident that he will after the surgery and he has had time to heal. Until then, I will medicated him and rub aloe vera gel on his itchy body, give him lots love and do some research.

Cost of vet visit, meds and x-ray: $228.00