Friday, September 08, 2006


Rudy has been putting weight on his leg. I think it's been about a month that I have confined him to a pen 90% of the time. Because I could see improvement on his weight bearing, I took him for a walk around the block last night. It was very important that I didn't allow him to pull and to walk slowly, so we practiced heeling. Rudy caught on very well. He was heeling offlead at a slow pace before I made it half way around the block. There were many distractions, such as barking dogs and people doing yard work. Rudy never broke position. He was called a Pit Bull twice by other walkers but no matter. If he was a Pit he was well trained one, there is no denying it.
Today I called the vets office for a referral to an Orthopedic Surgeon to get a TPLO procedure done. They rage in cost from $1500 to $2500. I just can't afford this right now. But it is something I will have to do eventually. I mean, he is just going to blow his knee out again and next time it may never repair and will cause him a hell of a lot of pain. We have to be very careful this doesn't happen anytime soon. At this point, I am just on borrowed time before I get him the surgery. I am also very nervous that he will have an adverse reaction to anesthesia. We all know he breaks out in hives with just a bug bite. How can I be reassured that he will be okay with all the drugs they will pump into him? I'll be wrecked with worry.

Rudy was full of energy when I got home today, putting a good amount of weight on it but I'm still keeping him penned up for possibly another week. Maybe more. And I will continue to take him for slow short walks around the block.