Sunday, October 22, 2006

October Update

Roo is doing fabulous. His leg is much better now (about 90%), and the muscle has started to come back. He's not a hyperactive dog, so the risk of reinjury isn't a constant worry. He hasn't been penned in over 2 weeks. There have been times where he has been a little gimpy on it, but for the most part he is doing well with it and not in any pain. Still, I know he will eventually require surgery.

The weather has been cooler and Rudy likes to snuggle up with me on the couch or in bed more often. Sometimes I'll put on Animal Planet and he'll watch it like he's a small child in wonder. Sometimes, he'll bark or growl at the TV and then calm down and watch an entire program. It's hilarious. I've been meaning to get video of it, but I haven't had time as my weekends have been very busy lately.

Tonight I plan to take him for a walk and practice heeling with him. I've got to remember to take treats with me this time.

One more thing, after a year of Canidae dog food, I have switched to Diamond Lamb and Rice because Rudy does better with it. I think he has some skin allery to the Canidae because his coat and health of his skin has improved greatly since the switch. However, he has lost a little weight.