Thursday, July 14, 2005

Rudy the Retard

Last night Rudy and I went to my parent's house for a visit and to help my Mom out with a few computer related issues. Soon after we arrived, the dogs went outside to play by the pool while my Dad watched them to make sure no one fell in. Well... Rudy fell in not long after we got there, right by the rock waterfall. His nose was barely above the surface and he was flailing his paws around wildly, much like a lead pencil about to sink at any moment! My Dad had to rush over and pull him out. You would think Rudy would learn a lesson but no. He did it twice more, falling in the pool in the same spot and each time requiring immediate rescue. He swam fine the other day with my help but when he falls in, he panics. I can understand that but why would he fall in 3 times in the same spot? My parents question his mental competence, now. "You know, dogs can be retarded too," my Dad said to me. It was agreed that Rudy will need to wear a doggie life jacket whenever he is near the pool (or any body of water)... and possibly a helmet.

After the third rescue, we all went inside. Rudy found the beagle's treat stash and gorged on pig ears and chewy bones. The beagle still wanted to play and when he got too close, Rudy would growl at him! This is a first for Rudy and I was surprised at his show of food aggression with the beagle. I corrected his behavior but he did it once more. Oy, what am I gunna do about this puppy? Make no mistake, if he should ever growl at me the punishment would be both impressive and violent. However, he has such a great temperament that I can't imagine him going there. He's a happy dog.. almost retardedly happy now that I think about it.

At lunch today I ordered an American Bulldog book at B&N titled "The Working American Bulldog" by Dave Putnam. It has great reviews and it should be a good read. I'm very interested in hog hunting and I've got the perfect American Bulldog for that task. Rudy is an Old Southern White bred for performance work. This was my intention- I wanted a dog that could do some amazing things. I can not wait until he is old enough to try him out on a wild hog. I just can't.

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I like dogs that have a sporting or working purpose. I think it can make for a healthier dog genetically not to mention a much happier dog. But that's just me. I know there are Pug and Bichon Frise fans out there that would vehemently disagree. To them I say, I'm right and you're wrong. Thanks for stopping by.


Blogger car&san said...

Nice dog.

July 14, 2005 3:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sometimes I think my lab is the smartest dog in the world. Then she poops on her fetch toy and won't touch it. It was funny the first time she did it. DUH! It's now two years later and she still has the same problem. She just might be retarded.

July 14, 2005 5:21 PM  

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