Sunday, July 17, 2005

A Proud Day

Rudy has got the "down" command!! WOOHOOO!!! See, he's smaht. Not dumb like people say.

To celebrate, we spent the day by the pool.

Doggie lifejacket- check
Sunscreen- check
Camera- checkity check, check!

Good times were had! Not only did Rudy avoid falling in the pool, he swam beautifully with the jacket on. I still had to push him in but he didn't freak out and swam more like a dog and less like a cat this time!

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Look at that mug! Who could be mad at a face like that?! Only a monster, I tell you.
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My niece really liked him. And Rudy was very good around the kids today. He behaved himself wonderfully.

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I'm proud of my boy.


Blogger No Milk Please said...

rudy is sooo awesome and cute. i wish i had one just like him. when i get a house with a yard, i want a dog!

July 18, 2005 8:23 AM  
Blogger No Milk Please said...

wow! thanks for visiting my blog! i am very flattered as well with your kind words. :))

July 18, 2005 7:19 PM  

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