Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Rudy has the shits

He shat once in the kitchen last night and 3 times this morning (they were more like shit puddles). His appetite is good and he's drinking plenty of water, so I'm not alarmed. I'm not even that upset that he shat on the kitchen floor since linoleum is easier to clean than carpet and he was kind enough to spare me that sort of living hell. Still, I spanked him lightly to show my disapproval and off he ran through the doggie door like he always does when he's been corrected. He'll sit on the patio at look at me through the glass door with those puppy dog eyes and before I know it, I'm calling him back inside so that I can give him hugs. Damn him.

His playmate went home last night after a 2 week dogsitting visit. He'll be missed. Rudy now just has the Keeks to play with. She's an old mastiff but will play like a puppy with him every now and then. It's good for her..

I read a comment on a catchdog forum yesterday and it got me thinking..

"Like my hunting partner always told me when I first got started and we were about to turn lose on a big boar hog track, you better rub fido on his head before you turn him loose because once you let go of his collar you may never see him again."-Broncobilly

As much as I've said I wanted an American Bulldog to hunt hog oneday, am I really willing to risk his life? I had to laugh at myself when last night after giving Rudy a beef basted pig ear I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, afraid he would swallow it whole and get a bowel obstruction or choke. I finally had to take it away from him before he could eat half of it. And I want him to tackle a 300 lb plus boar with enormous razor sharp tusks? Sure, I can let go of the lead.. riiiiight.

I'm so crazy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love American Bulldogs... Ours is named Boss... one blue, one brown eye.


September 08, 2008 3:31 PM  

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